Digital Reporting
made easy with AREVIO, your XBRL companion.
Welcome to Acsone, your premier destination for cutting-edge financial and extra financial
data reporting solutions.
Our state-of-the-art tool, Arevio, is fully XBRL-(XML, CSV, JSON, Inline) capable, ensuring
your seamless integration, intuitive data reporting and unparalleled efficiency.
Experience the future of digital reporting with Arevio, the most simple and reliable
Visit our website and learn more about how you can make the difference with Arevio.

Why Arevio?

Various types of input are supported, from spreadsheet templates or copy/paste from Excel to Arevio’s editor and back, to direct encoding. The user interface is intuitive with a genuine presentation of the reported XBRL data whatever the technology, the error messages a real guidance toward improvement, and the deactivation of temporarily inadequate validation rules.

Being used in several demanding regulatory business environments, Arevio is a heavy-duty piece of software with robust functionalities, including strong XBRL-XML, XBRL-CSV and iXBRL validators, deemed bug-free to the extent that several Supervisory Authorities use it at the entry point of their own validation chain.

By intent we chose NOT to make available a cloud version of Arevio. Indeed, security matters more than ever, and you are the one to control strictly where your data end up: on your own stand-alone-machine. All you need is a MS-Windows, macOS or Linux machine that you protect at will.

Think of the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of alternate solutions to Arevio! With us, all you have to invest is in an annual right of use, no expensive time of reporting consultants, no time wasted reconfiguring the whole package at each new taxonomy version, no time wasted at devising cumbersome spreadsheet converters! You will also receive the extensive support through a dedicated management system and by the team of experts with a comprehensive knowledge of XBRL requirements is readily available to help you at all steps of your project.